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Frequently Asked Questions









Is Automatic Tyre Inflation System (ATIS) the same as Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)?

No, PSI monitors the pressure in the trailer tyres and re-inflates to optimum pressure when there is loss of air.

Can you fit ATIS on a truck?

PSI is currently only a commercial trailer solution, however, developments are to follow for trucks.

Does the trailer have to be connected to the truck for PSI to work?

In the 1st instance yes, but if the incoming system pressure is higher than 6 bar when the trailer is uncoupled the pump will be active if the tyre pressure drops.

How do you know the system is in operation?

The warning light will be flashing – the light is visible for the driver via the back mirror view – the faster the light is flashing, the more sever the puncture, if the light is constantly illuminated there is a very severe puncture which the system cannot maintain and the driver must stop immediately.

How does the system prevent pressure being drawn from one of the other tyres?

There is a non-return valve in the rotary union which prevents air from feeding back from the tyre.

Where does the system get it’s air from?

The system works with air from the truck and a feed is taken from the air supply and is then transferred to the control box to step the pressure up.

Does PSI require any electricity?

No – There is a generator in the control box which powers the light with the exhaust air from the step up pump.

What happens if my hose is damaged or cut?

You can simply replace with a new hose and the system will re-inflate the tyre to optimum pressure OR it is possible to replace with one of the other hoses from the trailer, where there is no leak, for the remainder of the journey as the non-return valve will prevent the tyre with no hose from losing pressure.

What happens if a rotary union is damaged?

When the Systems starts working the warning light will flash to inform you of a problem.

How many axles can PSI support?

A trailer with 5 axles is the maximum.

What can influence the operation of the system?

The air supply to the control box, as this needs to be at least 6 bar or 80psi.

Do you have to deflate the system to change a tyre?

No, only the Tyre Hose must be unscrewed

Is there a maximum output of the system?

Yes, 9.8bar or 142psi.

When is the system generally most active?

When the tyres are cooling down at the end of the journey and in the evening.

In what instance does the system have to be turned off and drained?

Only when someone is carrying out work on the system


Do you have to deflate the system to change a tyre?

No, there is a valve in the rotary union which is operated by the tyre hose when connected this allows air to pass from system to tyre.

In what instance does the system have to be turned off and drained?

The only time the system has to be drained is when you carry out maintenance on the wheel end such as when you are cleaning bearings or taking the hub off to change the rotary union (which is typically between 200,000 – 300,000 Kilometres).

What maintenance is needed on the control box?

The output pressure must be checked once every 6 months, the way to do this is put a digital pressure gauge on one of the outputs from control box and blanking the other two outputs off OR alternatively you unscrew the hose from the rotary union and connect a digital gauge to the rotary union end (we can supply a kit for this).


Can you fit the system on twin wheels?

Yes, there is a special application available for twin wheel configurated trailers.

If I order a kit is everything included?

No, it is dependant on which axle the system is for, for further advice on this please contact one of the team.

How do I order PSI and with whom?

PSI is available via all European trailer OEMs, however you need to ensure they request with the nominated axle OEM to prepare the axles for tyre inflation. For further information please contact our team.


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TAutomatyczny System Pompowania Opon do przyczep i naczep (PSI-ATIS) jest dostępny bezpośrednio u naszych wielu partnerów.





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